Stadium regulations

June 9, 2021
by Jordi Pi Lletí Social Media Manager

Stadium regulations

Royal Decree 203/2010, of February 26, which approves the Regulation for the prevention of violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in sport.


Obligations of spectators and attendees at competitions and sporting events

Article 6 Conditions of access to the venue

1. It is prohibited:

a) Introduce, carry or use any kind of weapons or objects that could produce the same effects, as well as flares, firecrackers, explosives or, in general, flammable, smoking or corrosive products.

b) Introduce, display or make banners, flags, symbols or other signs with messages that incite violence or by virtue of which a person or group of them is threatened, insulted or harassed because of their racial or ethnic origin, their religion or convictions, your disability, age, gender, or sexual orientation.

c) Incur in the conduct described as violent, racist, xenophobic or intolerant in the first and second sections of article 2.

d) Access the sports venue under the influence of alcoholic beverages, toxic drugs, narcotics or psychotropic substances.

e) Access the venue without a valid entry ticket.

f) Any other conduct determined by law, provided that it may contribute to promoting violent, racist, xenophobic or intolerant conduct.

2. Spectators and people attending sports competitions and events are obliged to submit to the relevant controls to verify the conditions referred to in the previous section, and in particular:

a) Be recorded by closed circuit television in the vicinity of the sports venue, at its entrances and inside them.

b) Submit to personal records aimed at verifying the obligations contained in literals a) and b) of the previous section.

3. Entry will be prevented to any person who incurs in any of the behaviors indicated in the previous section, as long as they do not give up their attitude or are involved in any of the reasons for exclusion.

Article 7 Conditions of stay on the premises

1. It is a condition of permanence of the spectators in the sports venue, in the sports celebrations, not to practice violent, racist, xenophobic or intolerant acts, or that incite them, in accordance with what is defined in the first and second sections of the article 2 of this Law; in particular:

a) Do not attack or disturb public order.

b) Do not sing racist or xenophobic chants, sounds or slogans, of an intolerant nature, or that incite violence or terrorism or entail any other constitutional violation.

c) Do not display banners, flags, symbols or other signs that incite violence or terrorism or that include messages of a racist, xenophobic or intolerant nature.

d) Do not throw any kind of objects.

e) Do not break into the playing fields without authorization.

f) Not to have, activate or launch, in the facilities or venues in which sports events are held or developed, any kind of weapons or objects that could produce the same effects, as well as flares, firecrackers, explosives or, in general, flammable, smoking or corrosive products.

g) Observe the safety conditions duly foreseen and those determined by regulation.

2. Likewise, the permanence conditions for spectators are:

a) Do not consume alcoholic beverages, toxic drugs, narcotics or psychotropic substances.

b) Occupy the seats of the class and place that correspond to the title of access to the venue that they have, as well as show said title at the request of the security forces and bodies and of any employee or collaborator of the organizer.

c) Comply with the internal regulations of the sports venue.

3. Failure to comply with the obligations described in the previous sections will imply the immediate expulsion from the sports venue by the security forces, without prejudice to the subsequent imposition of any applicable sanctions.

4. Spectators and people attending sports competitions and events will be obliged to peacefully vacate the sports venue and leave its surroundings when required to do so for security reasons or due to non-compliance with the permanence conditions referred to in the first section.

Article 25. Conditions of the products that are introduced or sold in the sports venues during the celebration of shows.

1. The containers of beverages, food and other products that are introduced to be sold in sports facilities or venues may meet, within those established in general, any conditions of rigidity and capacity, provided that their location, issue, sale and consumption take place solely and exclusively in stores, sales establishments, cafeterias, bars, taverns, restaurants or similar, installed inside the sports venue.

2. The containers of beverages, food and other products that are sold or sold to the public inside the sports facilities, outside the stores or premises indicated in the previous section, may not be metal, glass , ceramic, wood or any other similar material.

3. The sale and introduction into the sports venue of:

a) Bottled beverages, which must be served in plastic cups or jars, laminated paper or other similar material before being removed by the consumer from the sales counter or from the dispenser.

b) any kind of weapons or objects that could produce the same effects, as well as flares, firecrackers, explosives or, in general, flammable, smoking or corrosive products and pyrotechnic devices.

c) products that exceed 500 grams in weight or 500 milliliters in volume and can be used as throwing elements.